5 Rising Artists You Need to Be Listening to: March Edition

As my music tastes have developed over the years I have found myself moving away from the most prominent billboard topping artists. That isn't to say a lot of the largest acts aren’t legitimately talented but as an artist grows there is greater pressure, both internal and external, for their music to become more of a commercial product than a true act of artistic expression. That's what I love about up and coming artists, they haven’t yet been tainted by this commercial pressure and instead they are just making what they want to hear. I have highlighted 5 such promising artists below.

  1. Nilufer Yanya

Nilufer Yanya is a Turkish-Irish indie artist who is on her way to becoming one of the U.K’s biggest rockstars. Growing up in London as the child of two artists, creative expression was a constant in her life. Seventeen years after first picking up a guitar at 12 she began releasing music on Soundcloud and garnering some attention. This led her to receive an offer from Louis Tomlinson, of One Direction fame, to join an all girls group. Nilufer saw this as exploitative and has instead chosen to make her own way; it seems to have worked out for the best as she has received high critical acclaim. This is especially true of her most recent album Painless, a masterpiece covering the spectrum of emotion and making use of unique electronic elements that spice up her indie rock style.

Songs to listen to: Crash, Heat Rises, Stabilise

2. DJ Poolboi

The variety of music I listen to is ever expanding and the latest taste I’ve acquired is for house music. I particularly have a soft spot for lo-fi house; it’s gentle and trancelike, which are qualities I don’t normally gravitate towards in music but this genre just scratches an itch in my brain that few others can. DJ Poolboi is a real standout in the scene as his songs don’t blend together the way some of his peers’ do. His work ranges from an upbeat afrobeat influenced track featuring a Zambian singer to a house song with listless French vocals; he does it all.

Songs to listen to: la nuit n’en finit plus, with you, agape

3. London O’connor

This artist is maybe more representative of lost potential than an up and comer but that does nothing to diminish the quality of his existing work. His singular 2015 album titled “O∆” has the all too rare quality of being both lyrically strong and extremely catchy. Across ten tracks he speaks to his experience living in a sedate suburban world as well as the struggles of entering adulthood all backed by some earworm keyboard melodies.

Songs to listen to: Oatmeal, Survive, Guts

4. WhoKilledKenny

Confusing rap name aside, WhoKilledKenny is a force to be reckoned with. He uses an effortless flow and catchy hooks in tandem with booming production to create some incredibly under-appreciated bangers. Lyrically, it’s classically larger than life which is a little ironic considering Kenny previously produced Christian rap. Regardless the energy here is undeniable and I can see him really taking off.

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Songs to listen to: Vanessa, Rich Rich, Tweakin

5. MorMor

I use the term rising liberally here as MorMor has definitely gained a solid following; and it’s not hard to see why. His songs manage to be both soulful and extremely catchy which is a rarity. Genre-wise, MorMor is hard to place as he glides between indie rock, r&b, and hip hop. In a word his music is smooth and features some incredible bass lines.


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