Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Cycling Class

This past week I tried a cycling class at CycleBar.  If you’re looking to try a new workout, love music, or love working up a sweat you might want to try cycling.  The music will keep you pumped up and motivated and it can be fun to try on your own or with a friend.

What is cycling?

Cycling is a ride on a stationary bike. In cycling classes, you cycle to the rhythm of the music in a studio filled with other riders.

Where can I go cycling in Minneapolis?

One of my favorite places to cycle in Minneapolis is CycleBar.  Located in Uptown, CycleBar offers a variety of classes at different times and all their instructors are super helpful, upbeat and motivating.  The studio is full of about 25 bikes and you ride to the beat of music with synchronized lights.  They also host themed rides with past themes including an Aries ride, Ladies of Hip Hop vs Ladies of Pop ride, and #TBT ride.

Another accessible place that hosts cycling classes right on the U of M campus is at the RecWell.  They offer group classes like “Rhythm Cycle” - which is to the beat of the music like CycleBar - or “Power Cycle” which focuses more on drills and games.

What do I wear to cycling?

Half the fun of working out is putting on a cute fit to do it!  So grab that workout set that has been folded away in the back of your drawer and get on that bike!  For the top, you’ll want something cool and breathable.  Some ideas could be a light t-shirt, cute sports bra, or a tank.  You will be sweating by the end so keep that in mind!  For bottoms, shorts or leggings work best.  You won’t want to wear anything baggy that could potentially get caught up in the pedals.  They will give you shoes for cycling at CycleBar, so wear whatever shoes are ideal for you - boots, Uggs, or sneakers are all great options.

Is there anything I should bring with me?

The number one thing you should bring with you is a water bottle.  Hydration is key!

What can I expect my first time?

For the first time you should arrive about 10-15 minutes early.  When you walk into CycleBar someone should be there to help you check in and then find your shoes.  Once you’ve done that, you’ll go back to the locker area to put away your coat and shoes.  If you have to go to the bathroom, now is the time to do that too.  Once you’ve finished, head into the studio and an instructor will help you adjust your bike so it fits you and help you clip into your bike.  After class, you’ll un-clip, stretch, and be on your way!

What do I do after I cycle?

Cycling is just like any other workout.  After class make sure to stretch your muscles so you aren’t sore the next day, hydrate, and eat some protein to fuel your body.


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